Buchen Support 👩🏫
Buchen on iOS 17
There has been a change in the underlying database framework that means version 2023.03 will not work on iOS 17. Please ensure you upgrade to 2023.04. Unfortunately there has been a rare bug for people that have tried to use 2023.03 on iOS 17 that can cause problems even when you update. It makes it appear that you bookmarks have disappeared. They have not disappeared. In this case, you can uninstall and reinstall the app and it will work and all your bookmarks will download.
There has also been one case of the widget not working after performing a migration from your old iPhone to a new iPhone. The app works fine. Unfortunately in this case, uninstalling the app and reinstalling it will fix the widget.
Fixes for these that do not require uninstalling / reinstalling the app are being worked on.
If you need additional support for Buchen please feel free to reach out to help
Each section (Bookmarks, Tags, and Folders) will let you search your data.
At the top of the list, pull down to reveal the search box. The search tells you what data it will search.
With a tag view, you can search that tag’s bookmarks too. Inside a folder, you can search both the sub-folders and bookmarks.
In the case of bookmarks, the search will search against the name, URL, notes, and browser. This means you could, as an example, search for all bookmarks that open in Firefox.
Buchen has widgets in all 4 sizes (small, medium, large, and extra large). There are widgets for your most visited bookmarks or your most recently visited bookmarks.
Buchen also comes with Lock Screen widgets that do the following:
- Display bookmark count and navigates to bookmarks
- Display tag count and navigates to tags
- Display folder count and navigates to folders
Buchen comes with a variety of shortcuts, and hopefully the list will continue to grow. Go to the Shortcuts app and search for Buchen to find all the available shortcuts.
There are shortcuts for searching bookmarks, navigating the app, deleting bookmarks.
There’s even a fun shortcut for generating a QR code from any URL and either displaying it or using the image in another Shortcut action. This could be used, as an example, to create and add a Shortcut for turning URLs in safari into QR codes. It doesn’t require the URL to be in Buchen.
The QR code shortcut, by default, is a standard black on white QR code. However, you might notice in Buchen’s settings that you can choose your own QR code colours. This shortcut can optionally use these too.
Keyboard Shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts on iPad or macOS. Within Settings, you will find a keyboard shortcut section if you would like to learn about these keyboard shortcuts.
Alternatively, on an iPad, they are discoverable by the standard method of holding down the Command key.
Context Menu
Options you can access by long-pressing an item.
- Copy (as URL, HTML or Markdown)
- Share
- QR code
- Details
- Edit
- Delete
- Edit
- Edit
Swipe Menus
Options you can access by swiping left / right on a row
- Details (swipe ➡️)
- QR code (swipe ➡️)
- Delete (swipe ⬅️)
- Edit (swipe ⬅️)
- Delete (swipe ⬅️)
- Edit (swipe ⬅️)
- Delete (swipe ⬅️)
- Edit (swipe ⬅️)
Home Screen menu
From your iOS device’s home screen, you can long-press the app icon, and it will present you with the following options in a menu.
- New Bookmark
- Go to Bookmarks
- Go to Tags
- Go to Settings
Supported URL Schemes
Any parameter block that contains an ? is optional.
Any URL passed in as a value must be URL encoded.
Add Tag
buchen://add-tag?name=<tag name>
Add Bookmark
buchen://add?name=<bookmark name>&url=<url>&browser=<browser ?>
Browser options include:
- safari
- edge
- icab mobile
- opera
- brave
- chrome
- firefox
- firefox focus
- duckduckgo
- quiche
- jayson
NOTE: safari is another name for default. There is currently no way to open a URL in Safari when it is not the default.
NOTE: browsers are referenced everywhere with these names, including the Buchen
JSON export files.
Go to Bookmarks
Go to Tags
Go to Folders
Export Data
Buchen can export data in its own JSON format. This is the best way to inspect and understand its format.
Buchen can also export data as HTML, which will then allow you to import your bookmarks into a desktop browser or any other software that accepts the Netscape bookmark HTM format.
Import data
Data can be imported from bookmark HTML files, Firefox JSON back-up files and with Buchen’s own JSON format.
Each format contains methods for defining folders (and sometimes tags), the app will pick up these folders and tags and import them too. Delicious style notes (<DD>A Note example...
)will be imported from HTML imports too.
The Buchen JSON format uses ISO 8601 time format.
Buchen Format
The Buchen format allows you to import a mix of bookmarks without folders or folders with sub-folders (called children) and bookmarks. There is no hard limit on how deep you can go. So, feel free to import a folder with a structure that goes 10 levels deep.
Required Fields
- name (bookmarks, tags, and folders)
- url (bookmarks)
All other fields are optional. Browser options use the same names as found in the ’Supported URL schemes’ section.
The root of the JSON has two sections (folders or bookmarks). Either can be excluded, but at least one should exist.
"folders" : [], // zero to many folder objects
"bookmarks" : [] // zero to many bookmark objects
A bookmark object should look like this
// required
"name" : "bird site",
"url" : "https:\/\/www.twitter.com"
// optional
"visits" : 0,
"tags" : [ ],
"note" : "",
"last_visit" : "2022-09-19T10:51:27Z",
"created" : "2022-01-29T20:51:27Z",
"browser" : "safari"
A folder object should look like this example, which is a folder with 1 bookmark and 1 sub-folder without any bookmarks or sub-folders.
"name" : "my folder",
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:49:46Z",
"children" : [
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:51:01Z",
"name" : "inner folder example",
"children" : []
"bookmarks" : []
"bookmarks": [
"name" : "borovia.co",
"url" : "https:\/\/www.borovia.co"
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:50:28Z",
"browser" : "safari",
"note" : "i am a note",
"last_visit" : null,
A complete import example
"folders" : [
"name" : "my folder",
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:49:46Z",
"children" : [
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:51:01Z",
"name" : "inner folder example",
"children" : []
"bookmarks" : []
"bookmarks": [
"name" : "borovia.co",
"url" : "https:\/\/www.borovia.co"
"created" : "2022-12-29T20:50:28Z",
"browser" : "safari",
"note" : "i am a note",
"last_visit" : null,
"bookmarks" : [
"name" : "bird site",
"url" : "https:\/\/www.twitter.com"
"tags" : [ ],
"note" : "",
"last_visit" : "2022-09-19T10:51:27Z",
"created" : "2022-01-29T20:51:27Z",
"browser" : "safari"